Friday, April 20, 2007

1L irritated with apparent lack of respect

Molly Isringhousen, The Stool

According to 1L Amy Harris, her knowledge of the law is being summarily dismissed by many different “stupid” people. When a family discussion turned into a debate concerning a contract, Harris became irate when no one asked for her opinion on the matter.

“They just all sat around talking with each other like I wasn’t in law school or something!” said a visibly agitated Harris. “I was like HELLO! I’m the one in law school here! You people don’t know anything – you don’t even know about promissory estoppel or any of that other stuff! They just looked at me and kept talking. It’s like they refuse to take me seriously or something. I hate them so much!”

According to Harris, this theme has played itself out in many areas of her life. “I was at Starbucks yesterday getting a Coke when I heard the people behind me talking about buying a new house, so I told them all about defeasible estates. They didn’t even say thank you when I was done. Whatevs.”