Thursday, January 24, 2008

Class sniffer subject of simultaneous IM conversations

Hans Olo, The Stool

When a student suffering from a runny nose in 2L Dana Hall’s family law class sniffed through the entire lecture, the nearby students vented their frustrations via instant messages.

“He would NOT stop sniffing,” Hall told us. “It was every like five seconds and *SNIFF*. I thought I was going to go fucking insane. My friend Andrea and I were IMing about different ways we could get him to stop – most involved punching him in the balls or slashing his eyeball with a piece of paper. I don’t have the slighted idea what the lecture was about.”

Little did Hall know, other students were also IMing about the offending sniffer. “Oh yeah,” said 2L Mark Miwnew. “I heard that fucker. It was hard not to. I IMed my buddy that maybe we should give him a Kleenex or a paper towel or something, then that degenerated into what his nickname should be. By the end of class we were pretty pissed off, so now we call him ‘Skullfucker.’ Skullfucker might be a nice guy. I don’t know. I don’t want to know. Fuck him.”