Friday, June 8, 2007

Summer mind-purge nearly complete

Hans Olo, The Stool

With the summer months settling in and many Mitchell students enjoying non-classroom time, the information binge that comprises the regular school year has finally culminated into a brain dump for those attempting to cling to what sanity they have left.

“Yeah, you could have asked me anything about insurance law after my final, but I don’t know a fucking thing now,” said 3L Brad Stevens. “I do remember that calculating coinsurance numbers can suck my balls.”

Stevens’ sentiments ring true for many students. University of Syracuse social scientist Jann Hutche calls the phenomenon a defense mechanism. “Essentially students are resting their minds and focusing on those things they weren’t able to enjoy as much during the school year. It’s very common.”

Other Mitchell students seem more determined to move on than do others. “When I finished WRAP I wiped my ass with the Kelley case and burned the whole goddamned thing,” said 2L Michael Carlsson. “I can’t wait for Advocacy!”